If you remember my last recipe (from the same book), you’ll recall the difficulty I had with trying to figure out exactly where a hamburger played into a tortilla. You guys, I looked and looked and looked for a picture of it. I found the recipe on a couple of blogs and even on the Food Network site itself, and a picture of this thing was nowhere to be found.
Finally, I stumbled upon a blog (Yaya’s Everyday Kitchen Magic, which is still updated! Yay!) and an entry from back in 2011 where she made said burgers (Find the recipe here). Her burgers are all nicely wrapped up in these tortillas. . .but I still can’t figure out why or how. It makes no sense. All I can come up with is that my tortillas were too small and my burgers were too big. Or something. This is probably going to keep me up at night.
Basically, this is the extent of the situation:
On to the chicken!
I don’t know if this chicken was impossibly good, but it was really tasty. It won’t make you eschew all other chickens, but if you went over to someone’s house and they made it for dinner, you wouldn’t be stopping by McDonald’s for a Big Mac on the way home, you know? You might even call them the next day to thank them for the lovely evening and to ask for the recipe.
The most interesting part of the whole thing, really and truly, was the really, really simple salad that was pretty amazing. All it had was lettuce and a quick dressing, but it set off the entire meal. As with many of these recipes, since it’s just the two of us, I roughly halved it.
This is a good one, and it’s not too hard. Give it a shot! (And let me know if you figure out the fajita burger mystery!)
Impossibly Good Chicken and Simple Mixed Greens Salad