We’re winding down Methodist Week, with Day 4. (See days 1, 2, and 3 here.) I have to admit. . .this is the first recipe I’ve had for this week that I wasn’t blown away by. Don’t get me wrong: it was fine. It was a decent recipe, but it just wasn’t my favorite thing I’ve ever made. That’s OK, though.
Pearlie Sullivan, the contributor of this recipe, was a member of Rosemary United Methodist Church in Roanoke Rapids, NC. She has been the only person I’ve been able to find any record of whatsoever.
Unfortunately, I found her in her brother’s obituary. Her brother (Herman Miller) died September 6, 2011, at age 73. Nothing much is said about Pearlie, though, except that she was one of 7 (!) of Herman’s sisters by whom he was preceded in death. Bummer.
I’ve been to Roanoke Rapids a few times, mainly because there was a huge band competition there when I was in high school. It’s an hour and a half from my high school, so it was an all-day affair, and it’s where I learned exactly what happens if your insulin pump malfunctions first thing in the morning, and you’re too chicken to mention it to anyone, because you don’t want to call attention to your type 1 diabetes, so you go all day long without any insulin, since you have no backup plan.
(Spoiler alert: You will get very, very, very sick and lie on the floor of your bedroom after you get home, attach your pump back, and pray for death.)
(Also, I’m pretty sure I never told my mother that story, about what a stupid diabetic I was that day. Sorry, mom.)
On to Herb Chicken!
Herb Chicken