So, despite the fact that these were amazing, ridiculous, insanely good tacos, I’m not going to give you this recipe. (Well, I mean, I will. It’s here.)
The reason I can’t really blog about this one is that the recipe didn’t go as according to plan. I had to improvise.
I had to make some changes and I don’t even exactly know what I did.
What I can say is that the flavors in this recipe are AMAZING. But the amount of oil used made the coating soggy, so I dumped some out, and when I dumped it out, there wasn’t enough liquid left to make the chicken coating.
But if you make this recipe work, it’s amazing. So good. Dennis and I stood around the kitchen eating these for a good long time.
Also, I set a tortilla on fire.
I’d love to hear from someone who tries this and the actual recipe is successful.
Me, I’ll be in the kitchen, eating delicious leftovers.