Happy July to everyone!
Rolling on with the InterCourses cookbook. This book made me think of something really funny/not so funny that happened when I was 8 or so.
The back story here is that I’ve always been a voracious reader. Stacks of books checked out from the library, halfway through one before we got home from the library — I was that kid.
My mom, for her part, never told me that there were books I “couldn’t” read. It’s such a foreign concept to me when people say, “Yeah, I wasn’t allowed to read that series when I was a kid.”
What? Why? I don’t get it. I turned out OK, and was allowed to read “adult” books when I was a kid. I digress.
Anyway, there was one tiny amendment to that rule when I was roughly in second grade.
Back then (and even now, actually), I liked to read cookbooks. So when I left the library one day with a cookbook with a heart on the cover, I thought, “Oh, how nice. Food and love!” (Or something. I don’t actually remember my thought process here.)
What I do remember is sitting in the car, heading home, reading my cookbook with the pretty heart on it. At a stoplight, Mom glanced over and said, “What…are you reading?”
I held up the book. It was this one: