You guys, if you’re reading this blog on a reader or a phone or something where you’re not actually on the site itself, take a pause and go to the static webpage.
Angi of Angi Clark Designs did my new layout for me, and I’m madly in love with it. If you actually visit the site itself, you know that for a long time, I had a standard pink Blogger template, and then for the last couple of weeks, I had a weird “easy to install” free template that jacked everything up SEVERELY, and now I have a lovely, retro-looking very Sarah-looking blog that is just wonderful.
A couple new things you might notice are buttons to link to all my social media stuff (my Twitter link goes to my Official Blog Twitter, which consists primarily of Instagram photos, but in the information of that account is also a link to my other Twitter, the one I use most frequently, and the one that’s less food-oriented.)
The picture of the cookbook of the “week” is still there, as well as a place where you can search for specific keywords. (For example, you could type in “lemon” if you wanted a link to every time a lemon screwed me over.)
One other new addition is the Sarah Cooks the Books button you can add to your blog if you’re so inclined. Now that I have this awesome new design, I’m going to start keeping a lookout for buttons from blogs I love to add, so keep an eye out for that.
I think that’s everything new. . .take a minute and connect with me on your various social media outlets (God knows I have enough of them so everyone should have at least one in common with me!) If you’re a Blogger user, you can also follow this page if you’d like.
I’m so excited for this redesign and I’m looking forward to continuing my way through my huge cookbook collection. Thank you so much to Angi for the blog design, and thanks to you guys for continuing to stop by, even though I lie to you fairly frequently about when the next post will be up. Cheers!