I feel like you can’t go wrong with something involving pasta, cheese, AND spiciness. The last offering from this cookbook is my favorite of the three I made. When I tasted the sauce, I wanted to just have that for dinner. (As it turns out, spicy tomato cheese sauce probably isn’t the best meal idea. So I had the pasta and a salad along with it!)
I’ve run into sort of an issue with the way I’ve been doing these posts. Inevitably, something will happen during the preparation of the meal, or during the meal itself, that will make me think, “Hey, that would be a great story to include with the recipe!” And then, thanks to the fact that my short term memory is. . .nothing, I’ll forget.
So while some food bloggers have great stories to go along with their meals, I just have. . .food. But I think that’s OK. Maybe I’ll start writing things down. (Probably not, though.)
Penne with Spicy Tomato Cheese Sauce
Serves 6-ish